Monday, February 18, 2013

Ft Lauderdale

After leaving Halifax Marina in Daytona it was a quick day trip to Titusville, FL where we docked at Titusville  City Marina.

Quaint community that time and NASA funding has forgotten.   Biked around town and located the local  bakery and parts store.  

Titusville  is reminiscent of late 60s or early 70s.  Had dinner with Dan & Sitome Russell and their boys.  Enjoyed Rock Shrimp and hush puppies, yummy.   

 We were in great position at the marina to watch the Atlas V rocket launch.   This was the first time for us to see a launch up close and it was magical.
After leaving Titusville we returned to what we enjoy most about boating, the quietness of anchoring and beautiful sunsets.  Our favorite anchorage was near Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge where the rhythmic sounds of the ocean waves lulled us to sleep. 

 Some areas were so shallow  fly fishermen stood on the edge of the channel.

 As we transited further south the bridges became more frequent.  Our  last full day in the ICW to Ft Lauderdale required timing 24 bridge openings.  Arrived after sunset  in Ft Lauderdale and anchored at Lake Sylvia until we could make arrangements for parts delivery.  With the parts lined up we moved to the Las Olas Marina Mooring Field and took the dinghy to shore.  

A lot of mega mansions and yachts in Ft Lauderdale.  We were docked near the Barnes & Noble yacht named BookEnds and we hear Steven Speilburg’s yacht Seven Seas is for sale.  If anyone is interested we have been told it is a good deal at $200 million.

Our son, Troy took a break from the snowstorm to come and visit us for a quick visit in 80 degree temperatures.    We all enjoyed the beach but we think Simon had the most fun with the wind on his nose.  Simon has also made a few new friends.

Biking  and walking has allowed us to see several of the fun spots in the area.  Ft Lauderdale has a temporary fish sculpture to welcome visitors in an effort to raise eco awareness.  The sculpture is made of  Styrofoam and used water bottles.

Friends who live in Ft Lauderdale were a big help in assisting us in locating  the correct parts and having the modifications made without utilizing a boat yard.   Thank you Dave, Don and Natalie!!  The shaft seems to be running more true and we await a weather window.    Hopefully will be crossing the Gulf Stream by end of month.