Saturday, January 12, 2013


We hope all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, 2013.  St Augustine is an enchanting place to visit during the Night of Lights.  Simon and one of Santa’s Elves became fast friends.

We traveled to Huntsville, Alabama to celebrate Christmas with our parents and son.  Since we don’t have any small children in the house, the small dog became the center of attention. 

 After returning to St Augustine and prior to initiating any new boat projects we made a quick visit to Orlando enjoying a surprise Birthday party for our Daughter’s 30th.

 After the fun celebrating we returned to Panasea and completed several boat projects:  shelves, refrigerator insulation/ gaskets. anchor chain/locker cleaning,  carpet placement, as well as fuel tank replacement and building a fuel polishing system.  Who knew retirement could be so relaxing?