Friday, April 5, 2013

Key West

 Leaving Marathon we continued Hawk’s Channel route to Key West.  Lovely sail averaging 8kts on starboard beam reach.   Passing Bahia Honda Key this picture identifies the remaining parts of the bridge Henry Flagler built for his railroad.   The area beyond the bridge is a sandy anchorage and a tender can be taken to the State Park for exploring.

Who knew?  We passed a swimming iguana over three miles off shore.  We weren't quick enough for a good picture but it was a site that will be etched into memory.   This fella was sunning himself onshore.

Simon has been chasing iguanas and chickens for exercise and entertainment.

We discovered our anchor light dusk to dawn sensor had malfunctioned.  This required Cappie (aka Steve) to make a few trips up the mast.  Fortunately he doesn't mind heights and the light is under warranty, so we await a new light to arrive from the manufacturer. The small dot is Steve 63' up.

A few pictures from atop the mast. 

The large mammal in the water (pic to the left) is a manatee enjoying a lunch of sea grass.  The marina is undergoing a major renovation and will have several nice amenities once completed.  The gym, dog park and organic vegetable gardens are available for use while renovations are made.

Our bikes have been our primary source of transport and great form of exercise.  We rode to Old Town Key West for a yacht race Easter Sunday afternoon and watch sunset at Mallory Square.

The beaches are beautiful here.  It can feel very hot with temperatures in the low 80s and full sun.  We trim Simon regularly to keep his hair short and cool.

 Plan to leave soon for Dry Tortugas and Marquesas, with no cell or Internet access for approximately 4-5 days.  We will be available by satellite and use of the InReach.