Saturday, June 29, 2013

State Side

We arrived at the Fort Pierce Inlet with Easterly winds opposing ebbing tide.  It made for an interesting ride as we surfed the waves into the inlet flanked by iron shores.  
Is he smiling or screaming?

I had the best seat on the bow while Steve had all under control at the helm??

We navigated up the ICW a few miles to Vero Beach Marina.   Other Cruisers had told us about the attraction of this area and how it is referenced as Velcro Beach since Cruisers come and stay much longer than initially anticipated.   To be true to the area we are staying a bit longer than initially projected, however we have had a few boat projects that needed our attention.    

Trying to pace ourselves we usually put work aside by afternoon to take time to explore our surroundings.   Vero Beach has a boutique community feel with much to offer.

Having returned from an area where goods are sparce, it is so easily taken for granted the conveniences we have in the States and the rows of stores to satiate American consumption.   

Vero Beach has had a few beach/sand restoration projects. Mother Nature has other plans and continues to reclaim the sand past water’s edge, thus the beach is not very deep.  

A friend once told me:
If you are lucky enough to live by the Sea, you are lucky enough.
                                                                                                                                                                 ~thanks Paula