Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ft Lauderdale St Patrick's Day

We didn’t go to the Miami Boat Show but we were able to help friends bring a couple of  power boats from the Show back to Ft Lauderdale.  We could get spoiled to cruising speeds of 20kts.  Here is a picture of Steve on the 55' while I  was on the 35'.

We’ve met our mooring ball sailing neighbors and had a few get togethers.  Couples from CA, MD, AK and Australia.  The Mooring Field is it’s own little community with evening serenades by a local bagpiper practicing for the St Patrick’s Parade.

We had a fun time at the St Patty’s Parade/Festival and Simon has made several new friends along the way...   must be his Irish Charm. 

With changing weather our plans remain "written in sand at low tide".    We would like to experience the Bahama’s in warmer less windy conditions than they have experienced so far this winter,  so we are changing course.  Plan to leave for Miami this week and slowly venture  to the Keys and up the SW coast of FL.    Hopefully crossing to the Bahamas early summer for more pleasant snorkeling weather.    Our phones and email service remain unchanged while in the US.

May the road rise to meet you. 
May the wind be always at your back. 
May the sun shine warm upon your face. 
And rains fall soft upon your fields. 
And until we meet again, 
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.