Tuesday, May 28, 2013


To say the water is turquoise doesn't come close to capturing the range of shades of blue.  The plethora of color hues ranging from white, turquoise, emerald, sapphire to the deeper water of deep blue to black. 
 I don’t have the vocabulary to truly describe these beautiful waters.   And just saying the water is clear isn't enough.  The joy of sailing through 15 feet of water  and looking down to see the coral, grasses and variety of fish is like sailing in a large aquarium.   Unlike the brown water sailing we are use to, here we are able to check our anchor’s grip, just by looking over the bow of the boat.  The camera can’t fully capture the colors but they are forever in our memory.

I recommend that anyone who enjoys the water,  take the time and sail around on the banks;  island to island. You'll glide over water that stays 10-15 feet deep for hundreds of miles.  Except for a few easy to see coral heads, there's nothing to interrupt the relaxation of cool breezes, blue skies and easy sailing. 

Our salty dog, Simon has been enjoying standing watch through the clear water for sea creatures.

At the Exuma Land and Sea Park we 
climbed Boo Boo Hill and placed a Panasea memento to mark our visit.

As we left the Park our friends gave us a Gumbie send off.

Next stop was Big Majors to feed the pigs.  Simon enjoyed looking for stingrays and we think he saw bacon as he watched the pigs. 

These pigs are feral and weigh approximately three hundred plus pounds and yet they swim like graceful giants…anything for food. 

In Staniel Cay we met with Steve’s cousin and fellow sailor Denis.  We enjoyed the afternoon at Thunderball Grotto.  Didn't see James Bond but did see plenty of Sargent Majors (fish).