Thursday, September 5, 2013

Leaving DC

A month seems to pass so quickly when making fond memories of friend and family gatherings.

Steve & his Dad

 After a quick week of catching up in DC we ventured South to Huntsville, Alabama to visit with family. 

Gwen & her parents

After a week in Huntsville we traveled East to Georgia, visiting with fellow Key West dock mates (who live in Duluth) and family for wedding in Roswell.  

Our daughter was an attendant in the wedding so it was great to spend some time with her and our son-in-law.

Returning to DC we were busy with  farewells and preparing the boat for transit North.  We left National Harbor 9/5 and transited to Mattawoman Creek for a quiet anchorage.  We continue to experience beautiful sunsets with a dramatic difference in the view at dock verses at anchor.