Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cape May, NJ

Sailing off Cape May, NJ:

Smile says it all…GREAT DAY OF SAILING, calm seas, 18kt of sustained wind off our beam.

Let’s recap the last week in pictures:

Leaving the Potomac and saying goodbye to George Washington’s Mt Vernon home:

Arriving in the Nation’s Sailing Capital, Annapolis, aka Aluminum Forrest.

Transiting under the  Chesapeake Bay Bridge:

Up the Patapsco River to Baltimore Harbor and the historic site where the Star Spangled Banner was written during the war of 1812.

Frances Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner while held prisoner on British ship located at this buoy mark.  

Visiting the Victorian town of Chesapeake City.

Traveling with the ebb current  at 4am, through the Chesapeake & Delaware (C&D) canal.

Watching sunset at Cape May.

Dependent upon the weather we should arrive in Manhattan by mid September.