Sunday, September 29, 2013

NYC then South

Anchorage with a view.

It continues to amaze me how fast the days pass and it is hard to believe it’s been a little over two weeks since the last blog post.    
Atlantic City NJ

After leaving Cape May, NJ we stopped in Atlantic City the weekend of the Miss America pageant.  There were over 200k spectators present just for the parade so needless to say it was a busy place.  Fortunately our anchorage was relatively quiet.  

As we traveled north to Sandy Hook Bay we said a prayer for those affected by the SeaSide fire as we sailed offshore and could see the charred debris.  It was good to see that only days after the fire there were cranes already in place to assist in reconstruction efforts.   

Sandy Hook Bay provided an opportunity for protected anchorage (thanks to seawall), new docks to dinghy to for a walk in the quaint nearby town, beautiful view of NYC skyline and gorgeous sunsets. 
New docks post Hurricane Sandy

NYC skyline from Sandy Hook Bay
Sandy Hook Bay Sunset

Moon Rise

Traveling North in the Hudson River pass The Statue of Liberty we explored a couple of anchoring options and anchored securely over Lady Liberty’s right shoulder for a night.  It made for a memorable evening watching the moon and sunrise over the majestic landmark.  

79th Street Boat Basin

Further up the Hudson we stayed at 79th Street Boat Basin.  


It gave us an opportunity to explore the surrounding dog parks, provision at Trader Joe's and meet our son to celebrate his birthday.  Our daughter joining us made for a surprise celebration and it was great to spend time together.

Leaving NYC the winds were a steady 15kts and with all the boat traffic and fetch we felt like we were in a washing machine.   Once in the Atlantic we experienced six to eight foot swells.  After several days of the washing machine action our stomachs felt like they were stuck on agitation cycle.  

Apparently our feathered friend may have been feeling the same since he hitched a ride with us for at least an hour.    

We returned to Capy May for anchorage prior to transiting the Delmarva coast.  We couldn't help but notice that the Southern migration has begun.  When we last anchored here there were only 3 boats now the anchorage is near full.  

The Delmarva coast brings back special memories for us since we always loved to visit Lewes (pronounced Lewis) and Rehoboth Beach. 

There is so much history here and where else can you look for Captain Kidd or Blackbeard’s lost treasure, ride the carousels while looking at wild ponies and gorgeous sunsets near Assateague Island?    

We plan to stay here for a few nights until the swells associated with a nearby front move through.    If weather permits we will round Hatteras and be in Morehead or Beaufort, NC by next weekend.